


Protection Against Dismissal Act

  • 1. What notice periods apply to my employment relationship?

    If you are still in the probationary period, both you and your employer can terminate the employment relationship with two weeks' notice without giving reasons. (See Employment Contract: 8. How long can my probationary period be?)

    Dismissals outside the probationary period must observe a notice period of four weeks. This applies to both employer and employee. Notice can be given on the 15th of each calendar month or at the end of the month. This also applies to mini-jobs. 

    However, the longer you are employed in a company, the longer the notice periods on the part of your employer become. For example, if you have been employed for more than two years, your employer can only give you one month's notice to the end of a calendar month. If you have been employed for more than five years, the notice period is extended to two months to the end of a calendar month; for eight years to three months and for ten years to four months. 

    If you have a collective agreement employment contract, your notice periods may differ.

    § 622 Abs. 1 und 3 Kündigungsfristen bei Arbeitsverhältnissen Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch

    (1) Das Arbeitsverhältnis eines Arbeiters oder eines Angestellten (Arbeitnehmers) kann mit einer Frist von vier Wochen zum Fünfzehnten oder zum Ende eines Kalendermonats gekündigt werden.

    (3) Während einer vereinbarten Probezeit, längstens für die Dauer von sechs Monaten, kann das Arbeitsverhältnis mit einer Frist von zwei Wochen gekündigt werden.

  • 2. When may my employer terminate my employment without giving reasons?

    Different conditions apply depending on which period you are in. In the first six months of your employment, you can be in the probationary period according to your employment contract, during which your employer can terminate your employment with two weeks' notice without giving reasons. 

    If you have been employed for longer than six months, your employer can only dismiss you for cause. The reason must not be socially unjustified. Socially justified reasons are:

    • Compulsory redundancy
    • Behavioural termination
    • Personal dismissal

    This means that your employer may, for example, dismiss you for operational reasons if there are too few orders to continue employing you as an employee. Your employer may also terminate your employment if you repeatedly attract negative attention for behavioural reasons, for example by being late or refusing to work. Finally, your employer may terminate your employment if you are absent too many days for personal reasons. Reasons outside these areas are considered socially unjustified and can lead to the invalidity of the dismissal in the event of a lawsuit. (see Notice: 4. I think I was wrongfully dismissed. What can I do?)

    However, it is also true that if socially justified reasons arise, dismissal is always the last resort. If, for example, you are late for work and are then dismissed, this would not be proportionate. It is therefore advisable to seek advice in case of dismissal. 

    Workers who are employed in companies with more than ten workers, excluding trainees, may invoke this regulation. Part-time positions are to be added up to full positions. This means that if the working time is less than 20 hours, part-time positions are calculated at 0.5 and if less than 30 hours, at 0.75. Two part-time positions with less than 20 hours therefore result in one full-time position (0.5 + 0.5 = 1). 

    § 1 Ab. 1-2 Sozial ungerechtfertigte Kündigungen Kündigungsschutzgesetz 

    (1) Die Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses gegenüber einem Arbeitnehmer, dessen Arbeitsverhältnis in demselben Betrieb oder Unternehmen ohne Unterbrechung länger als sechs Monate bestanden hat, ist rechtsunwirksam, wenn sie sozial ungerechtfertigt ist.

    (2) Sozial ungerechtfertigt ist die Kündigung, wenn sie nicht durch Gründe, die in der Person oder in dem Verhalten des Arbeitnehmers liegen, oder durch dringende betriebliche Erfordernisse, die einer Weiterbeschäftigung des Arbeitnehmers in diesem Betrieb entgegenstehen, bedingt ist. […]

    § 23 Abs. 1 Geltungsbereich Kündigungsschutzgesetz 

    […] In Betrieben und Verwaltungen, in denen in der Regel zehn oder weniger Arbeitnehmer ausschließlich der zu ihrer Berufsbildung Beschäftigten beschäftigt werden, gelten die Vorschriften [...] nicht […]. Bei der Feststellung der Zahl der beschäftigten Arbeitnehmer […] sind teilzeitbeschäftigte Arbeitnehmer mit einer regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit von nicht mehr als 20 Stunden mit 0,5 und nicht mehr als 30 Stunden mit 0,75 zu berücksichtigen.

  • 3. When is a dismissal effective?

    For a dismissal to be effective, the following conditions must be met: 

    • The notice of dismissal must be in written paper form. An e-mail is not sufficient. Likewise, notice of dismissal cannot be given by fax, SMS or Messenger.
    • The notice of dismissal must be handed in by post or in person. 
    • The notice of dismissal must comply with notice periods. (See Notice: 1. What notice periods apply to my employment relationship?)
    • The notice of dismissal specifies a termination date with the end of the employment relationship. A reference to a statutory termination provision is also sufficient if it enables the end of the employment relationship to be determined.  
    • The works council was consulted before the dismissal. 

    § 623 Schriftform der Kündigung Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch

    Die Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen durch Kündigung oder Auflösungsvertrag bedürfen zu ihrer Wirksamkeit der Schriftform; die elektronische Form ist ausgeschlossen.

    § 7 Wirksamwerden der Kündigung Kündigungsschutzgesetz

    Wird die Rechtsunwirksamkeit einer Kündigung nicht rechtzeitig geltend gemacht, so gilt die Kündigung als von Anfang an rechtswirksam; ein vom Arbeitnehmer nach § 2 erklärter Vorbehalt erlischt.

    § 102 Abs. 1 Mitbestimmung bei Kündigungen Betriebsverfassungsgesetz

    Der Betriebsrat ist vor jeder Kündigung zu hören. Der Arbeitgeber hat ihm die Gründe für die Kündigung mitzuteilen. Eine ohne Anhörung des Betriebsrats ausgesprochene Kündigung ist unwirksam.

  • 4. I think I was wrongfully dismissed. What can I do?

    You have three weeks after receiving a written notice of dismissal from your employer to file a complaint with the labour court. This action is called an action for protection against dismissal. You must file it with the labour court. Your competent labour court depends on where your employer is based. Here you will find a directory to search. 

    If three weeks have passed since your dismissal without you filing a complaint, the dismissal becomes effective, even if it was unjustified. 

    It is therefore important that you obtain information and advice immediately after receiving a notice of dismissal, so that you can possibly file an action for protection against dismissal with the labour court. You can find a template for an action against dismissal here.

    You can find support here. Also contact your works council, if there is one. 

    In order to check the effectiveness of a dismissal, it is advisable to at least check the notice periods, the written form of the dismissal and the legal validity of the reasons for the dismissal. 

    § 4 Anrufung des Arbeitsgerichts Kündigungsschutzgesetz

    Will ein Arbeitnehmer geltend machen, dass eine Kündigung sozial ungerechtfertigt oder aus anderen Gründen rechtsunwirksam ist, so muss er innerhalb von drei Wochen nach Zugang der schriftlichen Kündigung Klage beim Arbeitsgericht auf Feststellung erheben, dass das Arbeitsverhältnis durch die Kündigung nicht aufgelöst ist. […]

    § 7 Wirksamwerden der Kündigung Kündigungsschutzgesetz 

    Wird die Rechtsunwirksamkeit einer Kündigung nicht rechtzeitig geltend gemacht […], so gilt die Kündigung als von Anfang an rechtswirksam […].

  • 5. I have been dismissed without notice. What can I do?

    Dismissal without notice overrides applicable notice periods. This can therefore only be carried out if continuation of the employment relationship is deemed unreasonable. 

    Dismissal without notice therefore sets high hurdles. If you have been dismissed without notice, seek advice immediately. Here, too, the time limit of three weeks applies to have the dismissal reviewed by the labour court.(see Notice: 4. I think I was wrongfully dismissed. What can I do?)

    § 626 Abs. 1 Fristlose Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch 

    Das Dienstverhältnis kann von jedem Vertragsteil aus wichtigem Grund ohne Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist gekündigt werden, wenn Tatsachen vorliegen, auf Grund derer dem Kündigenden unter Berücksichtigung aller Umstände des Einzelfalles und unter Abwägung der Interessen beider Vertragsteile die Fortsetzung des Dienstverhältnisses bis zum Ablauf der Kündigungsfrist oder bis zu der vereinbarten Beendigung des Dienstverhältnisses nicht zugemutet werden kann.

  • 6. What do I have to do after a dismissal?

    Be sure to check the validity of the dismissal. Seek advice and possibly file a complaint against dismissal with the labour court. You only have three weeks to do this. (See Notice: 4. I think I was wrongfully dismissed. What can I do?)

    After receiving notice of dismissal, you must also register with the employment agency as a jobseeker. You have three days to do this, otherwise the employment agency may reduce your unemployment benefit. 

    You can start looking for a new job. The Employment Agency can support you in this. 

  • 7. They want me to sign a termination agreement. What does that mean?

    A termination agreement ends the employment relationship on a specific date without being subject to notice periods and grounds for dismissal. In contrast to a dismissal, a termination agreement must be mutually agreed to, i.e. both your employer and you must agree to a termination agreement in writing. 

    A termination agreement can be useful if both parties have an interest in terminating the employment relationship. However, termination agreements can also be used by the employer to free himself from existing protection against dismissal or further claims. 

    Therefore, do not sign a termination agreement immediately. You have the right to take the agreement home and get advice.

    Note that when signing a termination agreement..

    • Workers lose their protection against dismissal.
    • The works council loses its rights of participation.
    • A claim to severance pay can be forfeited. 
    • Rights associated with many years of service can be forfeited. 
    • This can result in the suspension of unemployment benefits. 

    Here you will find warnings about signing termination agreements immediately:

  • 8. My employer wants to pay me a severance package. What does that mean?

    In the case of severance pay, your employer pays you a one-time amount without you having to do any paid work for it. In most cases, severance pay is linked to a dismissal or a termination agreement. Severance pay serves as compensation, so to speak, for potential lost earnings. 

    There are legal requirements for the payment of severance pay. Firstly, your employer must give you notice of termination for operational reasons and state this in the notice letter. Secondly, your employer must give you the choice in the letter of dismissal between an action for unfair dismissal or severance pay. If both conditions are met, the severance pay must be at least 0.5 months' salary for each year you worked for your employer. This means, for example, that if you have been employed for four years and have a gross salary of 2,500 euros, your employer must pay you at least 4 times (0.5 times 2,500 euros) = 5,000 euros in severance pay if you decide not to take legal action against dismissal. 

    In the case of a socially unjustified dismissal and an accompanying action for protection against dismissal suggesting that the employment relationship is unreasonable, there may likewise be a severance payment. In these cases, be sure to seek advice. 

    Severance pay is taxable, but not subject to social security contributions. Severance payments can also lead to blocking periods when receiving unemployment benefits. 

  • 9. I am supposed to sign a compensation receipt. What does that mean?

    Compensation receipts can have different contents. If you are to confirm in a compensation receipt that you have received certain documents or have returned certain business property and this is actually the case, compensation receipts are unproblematic. 

    Documents could be, for example, pay slips or an employer's reference. Likewise, the return of office keys, laptop etc. should often be confirmed. This is also helpful for you. Get a copy of the compensation receipt for your records. 

    Compensation receipts are problematic if they contain a waiver of claims. Do not sign anything immediately. Take the settlement receipt home and seek advice.

  • 10. What rights does the works council have in the event of dismissal?

    The works council must be consulted by the employer before any dismissal. This means that the employer cannot give notice of dismissal without first informing the works council. The works council then has one week to submit concerns about the dismissal in writing to the employer. The concerns must be substantiated by the works council and are also subject to legal requirements. 

    In the case of extraordinary dismissal (without notice), however, the works council has only three days to submit justified concerns. 

    § 102 Abs. 1-2 Mitbestimmung bei Kündigungen Betriebsverfassungsgesetz

    (1) Der Betriebsrat ist vor jeder Kündigung zu hören. Der Arbeitgeber hat ihm die Gründe für die Kündigung mitzuteilen. Eine ohne Anhörung des Betriebsrats ausgesprochene Kündigung ist unwirksam.

    (2) Hat der Betriebsrat gegen eine ordentliche Kündigung Bedenken, so hat er diese unter Angabe der Gründe dem Arbeitgeber spätestens innerhalb einer Woche schriftlich mitzuteilen. Äußert er sich innerhalb dieser Frist nicht, gilt seine Zustimmung zur Kündigung als erteilt. Hat der Betriebsrat gegen eine außerordentliche Kündigung Bedenken, so hat er diese unter Angabe der Gründe dem Arbeitgeber unverzüglich, spätestens jedoch innerhalb von drei Tagen, schriftlich mitzuteilen. Der Betriebsrat soll, soweit dies erforderlich erscheint, vor seiner Stellungnahme den betroffenen Arbeitnehmer hören. […]

  • 11. Who enjoys special protection against dismissal?

  • 12. What documents must my employer hand over to me after a dismissal?

    Your employer must give you the following documents after dismissal:

    • Deregistration from social security
    • Electronic income tax certificate
    • Last pay slip
    • Job reference on demand (See Notice: 13. Do I have the right to a reference?)
    • Certificate of employment at the request of the Employment Agency

    Be sure to check your last payslip to see if any unused holiday days and overtime have been correctly compensated.

    § 7 Abs. 4 Zeitpunkt, Übertragbarkeit und Abgeltung des Urlaubs Bundesurlaubsgesetz

    Kann der Urlaub wegen Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses ganz oder teilweise nicht mehr gewährt werden, so ist er abzugelten.

    § 57 Auskunftspflicht von Arbeitgebern Sozialgesetzbuch Zweites Buch - Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende

    Arbeitgeber haben der Agentur für Arbeit auf deren Verlangen Auskunft über solche Tatsachen zu geben, die für die Entscheidung über einen Anspruch auf Leistungen nach diesem Buch erheblich sein können […]

  • 13. Do I have the right to a reference?

    As an employee, you have the right to a written reference after termination of your employment. The reference must describe and assess your activity, the duration as well as your performance and conduct (qualified reference). It must not contain any negative formulations. The employer's reference must be given to you in written paper form. 

    You must assert your right to a reference against your employer. You have three years to do this before your claim becomes time-barred. However, you should claim your reference directly with your notice of termination, in case your employer is no longer able to issue the reference within the next few years (insolvency, change of personnel, etc.).

    § 109 Abs. 1-3 Zeugnis Gewerbeordnung

    (1) Der Arbeitnehmer hat bei Beendigung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses Anspruch auf ein schriftliches Zeugnis. […]

    (2) Das Zeugnis muss klar und verständlich formuliert sein. Es darf keine Merkmale oder Formulierungen enthalten, die den Zweck haben, eine andere als aus der äußeren Form oder aus dem Wortlaut ersichtliche Aussage über den Arbeitnehmer zu treffen.

    (3) Die Erteilung des Zeugnisses in elektronischer Form ist ausgeschlossen.

    § 195 Regelmäßige Verjährungsfrist Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch 

    Die regelmäßige Verjährungsfrist beträgt drei Jahre.

  • 14. I have been dismissed. I have to look for a new job. When am I going to find the time?

    If your employer gives you notice, your employer must give you a reasonable amount of time in which to look for a new job. However, you must request this time for applications from your employer. It is best to make your claim in writing. 

    § 629 Freizeit zur Stellungssuche Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch

    Nach der Kündigung eines dauernden Dienstverhältnisses hat der Dienstberechtigte dem Verpflichteten auf Verlangen angemessene Zeit zum Aufsuchen eines anderen Dienstverhältnisses zu gewähren. 

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